Riggins piloting Cessna Skyhawk 172SP ended Friday, March 30, 2007 at 19:42
FSFlyingSchool Version 1.5 (Friday 23rd February 2007)
Using: FS2004
Visibility: 70.41 Miles Wind: 0 Knots
Aircraft: Cessna ID: N324CR Airline: Flight: 1
Flight plan: NAV1:
Failures: None at landing
Landing Score:0.00
Landing was successful in the following areas:
Gentle touchdown.
Good landing speed - not too fast.
Wings were level.
Good pitch control after touchdown.
Good pitch at landing.
With flaps - good job.
Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
Landing included the following problems:
No glideslope information was available on visual approach.
No runway alignment information was available on visual approach.
No glideslope - could not compare flare to glideslope.
Touch down not aligned with the runway - let's point down the runway.
Throttle(s) forward - should be idle.
Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line.
Definite room for improvement...
Flight Score:88.06
Flight commended in the following areas:
Smooth turns.
Nice banking.
Correct matching of flaps to speeds.
Comfortable G forces.
Smooth pitch control.
Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
Gentle taxi turns.
Good take off steering.
Rotation was not late.
Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
Smooth braking during taxi.
Well coordinated turns.
No stalls.
No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
Smooth comfortable descent rate.
Pitch not too high.
Pitch not too low.
Flaps down on time.
Approach speed not too fast.
Low altitude speeds not too fast.
Good clearance of obstacles.
Flight included the following problems:
Poor attention to taxi speed - dangerous to yourself and others.
Loss of altitude during takeoff - climb smoothly.
Wings not level near ground - danger of clipping a wing.
Definite room for improvement...
1 comment:
>> Poor attention to taxi speed - dangerous to yourself and others
You had this thing in your car while driving?
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